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Here is what others had to say about their experiences with me..........

Beautiful Smiling Woman

Testimonial from Jennifer, Melbourne (Australia)


"I have been doing sessions with Kristine fortnightly many years now and they have been nothing short of a life saver. 

Having spent the past 20yrs+ in the corporate matrix in C-suite leadership roles -  my last role looking after 13 markets in APAC and having a team of over 250 people, I didn't realize how much I had disconnected from my body and its messages because I was too caught up on being a 'very important person busy'. Whereas the real truth was that I was running on pure, mindless, adrenalin and had lost my way about what was really important to me, who I really was, where I wanted to go in life and why I was doing what I was doing. Kristine has been far more effective in helping me get clarity, find peace and feel more myself than any other modality I have tried on its own e.g. professional coaching, art therapy, psychotherapy or mindfulness.

Kristine really gets the pressures, trauma and consequences associated with working in corporate structures and her empathy has really helped me uncover the root cause and triggers of systemic problems that have been negatively impacting my relationships, mental, physical and overall well being for as long as I can remember. By bringing an awareness to them has allowed us to work through them so that I don't keep repeating the same patterns and keep wondering why I feel so empty and tired. 

Kristine's sessions have helped me become much more resilient and I am starting to know how to more effectively regulate my thoughts and emotions so that they don't overwhelm me. That way I can respond rather than react to the various stressors that life invariably throws at you without losing my sh&t. This has made me a better leader, business person, team leader and more importantly a more wholehearted person that can still achieve at the highest levels in corporate business environments, but also be happier in my personal relationships and my life and passions outside of work because I am more attuned to who I really am, what I really want and why, which feels incredibly satisfying and peaceful.  

Kristine is a really great listener and sounding board and confidante. Her non-judgmental, caring and gentle but firm approach is extraordinarily comforting because it can get very isolating and exhausting being the person everyone always turns to for putting out the fires, so it's nice to have someone for a change focus on helping you solve your problems. 

I can't imagine not doing regular sessions with Kristine because of her amazing ability to make you feel heard, seen, understood and comforted. She's more like a super insightful, highly intelligent, caring and really funny friend that has expert advice and always has your back. And even though we've worked through some serious issues, her intuition about what your limits are, where you're at in your journey means I always walk away from our sessions, even the tough ones, feeling like everything is going to be OK.

My advice to anyone still in a corporate job is to not wait for the meltdown or burnout (because it is definitely coming, sorry) and to be proactive about un-numbing yourself from your body and your life and get into these sessions. They'll never be what you think they'll be, they will be better.  You can 110% trust that Kristine will guide you with absolute compassion, encouragement, brilliant insight and practical tools and mental models that you can apply immediately to help you live a more attuned, authentic and happy life all round. I can't recommend her highly enough."


Testimonial from Sarah Wilson,

Author and Creator of "I Quit Sugar".


"I have experienced a great many healers over the years.


I often get asked, “But who do you personally go to for help?”


I’m always happy to say that Kristine is who I choose to see when I need guidance.


Kristine has helped steer me through some very difficult decisions for about four years, and always in a manner that’s appropriate and caring and real. Her insight is sharp, but her wisdom is extraordinarily grounded and real.


As I tell people, “She ‘gets it’.” It takes things to a new level.


Testimonial from RA – Victoria Australia


"I approached Kristine after experiencing approximately fifteen years of systematic health dysfunction. The catalyst for my call was the diagnosis of a second, debilitating autoimmune condition that left me unable to work, study or socialise.


I had never consulted with someone like Kristine before, and despite feeling somewhat sceptical, I felt increasingly desperate having experienced chronic health conditions with little relief from GPs, endocrinologists, naturopaths, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals.


Within fifteen minutes of talking to Kristine, she was able to provide very specific feedback about the genesis of my ongoing health issues as well as suggestions for treatment.


Although it is quite dramatic to say this, Meherpal's feedback and guidance has completely changed the course of my life and my own philosophy of healing.


I’ve had a number sessions with Kristine as she has been able to provide invaluable support as I navigate my way through this particularly challenging time in my life.


I am so grateful that I was able to suspend my scepticism last year and reach out as it has altered the direction of my life and my own healing journey. Thank you."


Testimonial from Sarah, Aphrodite Astrology


"Kristine is like a direct hot-line to another level of consciousness that has proceeded to guide me through multiple levels of my life, over the course of nearly a decade. Initially I contacted her to seek intuitive guidance on basic life decisions but as we continued to connect over the years she gently guided me towards finding a deeper layer within myself and allowed me to actually meet myself, rather than have someone simply tell me what to do. This is how she differs from so many other professionals as she taught me to embody a sense of knowing, healing and empowerment within myself, which is invaluable in these current times. 

She has become a friend, a mentor and such a compassionate yet grounded sounding board and confidant that has allowed me to make life changing decisions and achievements that I never would have been able to reach on my own. I can not recommend her enough, the sessions she has given me have profoundly impacted the trajectory of my life in the most amazing ways and I am eternally grateful for our journey together and where the journey with her support can continue to take me."


Testimonial from Ondine, Owner and Founder of Hatha Yoga Sydney


"I had seen several different therapists over a period of time before connecting with Kristine, and even though each one played a role in my healing journey, none of them resonated with me to such a significant extent as she did.

Her exceptional gift of being able to hold space in a non-judgemental way is what continues to draw me to her. For me, this is a rare quality in a therapist, and I know very few who are able to do it successfully.


Kristine has the innate ability to fully accept where you are in your journey, and rather than imposing a solution, she encourages you to “see” your truth by providing you with the tools that will facilitate greater inner clarity. She nurtures you to expand and lean in to a situation, rather than contract away from it. She makes you feel seen, heard and fully supported.


I highly recommend Kristine to anyone seeking a therapist with a difference. Expect to go deep within to look at your behaviours, feelings and the ways you function in the world that may not be serving you. Her direct nature and open heart make her a perfect candidate for wisdom and guidance. She not only cares about you, your progress and healing trajectory, but encourages you to find the light and love for and within yourself. She genuinely wants to see you thrive at being a better and stronger version of yourself and will facilitate your transformation from a place of imbalance to a place of calmness, stability and softness.


She has helped me completely upgrade and transform my operating system which was steeped in old and unhealthy repetitive patterns learned from my parents and early age influencers. My emotional health has also particularly flourished and become so much more receptive and resilient, which in turn has transformed the way I participate in life in the most positive way.


She has taught me so much about how to be in the world without sacrificing my Self and by always honouring and respecting myself first and foremost. I have also had plenty of “ahhhaaa” moments with Kristine, especially around breaking down old behavioural patterns, evolving past them and transforming them into newer and healthier ways of being, behaving and responding to people, circumstances and life. I am so grateful to have found her".


Testimonial from Steph, Change Management Consultant


“My Somatic Experiencing sessions with Kristine transformed my life!


Two years ago my body had hit crisis point, I could barely walk or sleep, taking pain medication day & night to manage unexplained chronic pain & inflammation. My body was screaming at me and I didn’t know why. Despite my cynicism, I decided to commit to SE for a 3 month period - after all what did I have to lose?


I was surprised by its instant effectiveness and relieved by its non-intrusive gentle approach. This powerful therapy coupled with Kristine’s wisdom, trustable energy and communication style is a formidable combination resulting in a life transforming healing experience.

Today I am thrilled to report I am back to physical exercise, sleeping deeply, medication-free but also moving towards a life of expansion, joy and aliveness. I am deeply thankful for Kristine and Somatic Experiencing and excited for life ahead.”


Testimonial from Kellie Lin – United States – Wisconsin


Kristine has a knack for purposeful conversation and deliberately chosen affirmation. That said, she’s not afraid to shine a light on on area that needs work or attention, and is ever truthful.


It can be tough at times to move through and release old patterns or behaviors, but I always feel that I’m in good hands and in an environment of psychological safety and healing.


Kristine offers firm and loving reminders to my gifts, challenges and greater purpose, and also shares what she sees and intuits as working well in my life, so I can harness these things for greater opening.


My greatest take-away so far has been deeper understanding around what love is for me, personally, and how I can love the people I have now in my life, and the ones to come, with my full heart and soul (and no shame or guilt). Amazing!


I hold her in high regard and will always recommend her as not only a very natural and gifted Spiritual Guide, but as a strong and practical Coach able to hold client’s agenda and need at the forefront while offering animated, colorful and refreshingly honest support.


ER – Sydney


I came to Kristine for guidance around a number of areas of my life, after she was highly recommended to me by a good friend. Being a psychologist I have been trying a number of different ways to move forward – some of which have been helpful, some which have not. As a psychic Kristine provided a very unique healing experience as she had highly accurate insights into my behaviour and emotional patterns, and provided practical ways in which I could work on these things and move forward. I found Kristine to be a very empathetic and nurturing person – she is highly intuitive and delivers her wisdom in a way that is both kind and direct. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for guidance and is open to different ways of healing.


A M – Australia:NSW


My first session with Kristine came at a cross road in my life. Her insights helped me move forward with confidence. She offered many useful tools that are applicable to my life now and into the future. For that reason I have come back to the recording of our session again and again and found it to be tremendously useful when I’m in need of clarity or the encouragement to trust myself. Thank you Kristine for your work, I left your session feeling so much lighter and focused.


JHS – Byron Bay – Australia


Thank you so much for today… I can’t even tell you how deep a shift i have felt already. Within that first ten minutes I was very uncomfortable… until i let go. And what unfolded was as authentic as it gets. You are truly incredible. To take me to such a deeply hidden place which i keep so well guarded – so quickly. With a respectful domination of sorts. To allow me to drop it. And not allow me not to. Thank you – from deep inside myself. From the part that wants to see more light. She sends you gratitude with magnitude! Much love… I know I will be in touch again – i already want to refer you to every single person I love x JHS


AB – Manila, Philippines


Kristine emanates warmth and sincerity. Even through a voice recording, this is clear. Her guidance, well, wow- she helped dissolve the noise and have me hear myself again. If you’re experiencing any internal contradictions, conflicts, confusion- I recommend Kristine in assisting to gently but effectively lift these clouds and restore you to your truth.


JP – Sydney, Australia


I was very very happy with the session I had with Kristine.

While I was a little apprehensive about a reading over Skype initially, I was immediately put at ease with Kristine’s warm and friendly nature.

The session itself was very informative… a little confronting at times, but something I resonated with from start to finish.

Kristine has a lovely manner in her ability to communicate clearly to ensure I really got it.

I also really love having a copy that I can listen to at any time.


JP – Sydney, Australia




I am always happy to provide a testimonial for Kristine. I connect with Kristine when life gets a little shaky or when I just need some help clarifying my thoughts and I always come away feeling calmer, having more clarity and with a more solid sense of self and the direction I am heading. I would highly recommend a session with Kristine to anyone.


Jane – Australia:NSW


Kristine was very accurate in understanding how I was feeling and the stage in life I’m at. I appreciated her insights and confirmation of what I was feeling and how I was headed. Kristine also offered practical advice which was surprisingly useful. I didn’t feel like the reading was only about the psychic or spiritual realm, there was also a strong physical component. Kristine was easy to speak with and I enjoyed the session a lot. I also appreciated being able to listen to the recording afterwards. I would definitely recommend a reading with Kristine.


Ross F – South Australia


Kristine is a gifted person who is intuitively sensitive about the past, present and future. I have had sessions before and Kristine is the person I now deal with exclusively for her awareness is extremely accurate and speaks for itself. I would recommend her to anyone who is open to learning more about themselves and who is genuinely on a quest for understanding.


Sarah – Australia Queensland


I found my first session with Kristine to be intuitive and eye-opening. It was a good to hear a lot of my ‘internal talk’ verbalised and to realise that I can achieve what I’ve set out to accomplish, I just need to remember the big picture and my soul path. I definitely feel refreshed and revitalised after my session, knowing that I have some work to do for my immediate goals, but that I also have a bigger goal of spiritual enlightenment to achieve as well.


T – Australia – Sydney


Kristine seems to know how to guide you and make sure you are on the right path. Her words are full of wisdom and she provided me with knowledge to improve where I am today. She is insightful, spiritual and very in touch with how we can do things better to make things easier for us. Kristine, Thank you for confirming that I am on the right path and for a wonderfully insightful session x – T – Australia – Sydney


AW – Australia:VIC


It was terrific to be able to talk to Kristine who has such insight at a time when I have some complex decisions to make. I left the conversation with a clearer view about what decisions I needed to make. Thank you Kristine.


LF – Victoria – Australia


Kristine’s are accurate and I love her honesty and forthrightness. Her counselling skills are invaluable for those going through periods of change and turbulence.


Beck M – Australia


Hi Kristine,

Firstly I wanted to thank you for the session you provided for me.

Within the first fifteen minutes or so of listening to your voice I felt my tension and rigidity start to melt.

It felt as though you were communing directly with my heart and my spirit and absolutely there has been an altering in perspective over the last couple of days.

Life is very busy and very demanding at the moment as I complete my postgraduate studies, and the juggle of work, children and uni was feeling unbearable, even with the end in sight. So I really have to thank you for reminding me that the stress reaction to these pressures was in effect blocking my energy. I have turned up my TLC radar to high frequency and prioritising the slowing down over the perpetual doing. I have felt already an increased clarity and efficiency when I do turn my attention to my tasks.

Kristine there really was so much worth in your reading, so personally truthful. Yesterday I took the first steps to letting go of some long carried tension and contraction in my body and I am hopeful that with my body and spirit having the same agenda of opening, softening and accepting; that in fact I will be able to let go on a deeper level than I have been able to before.

Thank you for telling me to wake up, I nodded off to sleep again for a while there.

It has been a pleasure to be in contact with you, and I am sure this won’t be the last time I draw on your wisdom.



MA – VIC Australia


I had a session with Kristine about 3 months ago and i found it fascinating & uplifting.

I received an audio recording of our session & I have listened to it on several occasions picking up more each time I listen to it.

I found Kristine to be very insightful & her energy very warm, compassionate & generous.

I am thankful that I connected with Kristine.

MA – VIC Australia


KB NSW Australia


My session gave my confidence in where I was headed in life. In wasn’t about giving me the answers, it was about giving me guidance to find the answers path. I felt like I had a counselling session with someone who was ‘in the know’. KB NSW Australia.


MC – England


Kristine’s session was very practical, pragmatic and very directly focused on what I needed to hear right now and what I need to do right now. She didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know but somehow hearing it from her was like hearing it for the first time and really listening. The next day I felt a real step change in my life.




The difference I found between you and others is that your emphasis is what I need to change in myself in order to change my life, i.e, take responsibility and be proactive. Other intuitives just tell you what will happen in the near future and your role is passive. Being an active participant makes more sense. Gaining the tools to create the life you want are an important gift.


Domonique Young – Australia:NT


I have nothing but love and respect for Kristine! She helps me see reason and connect to my bigger picture when I’m in a bind or torturing myself over something. I’ve had sessions with her now over the last couple years and they’re always just as insightful and helpful. She provides practical steps for you to move forward while nurturing what you’re experiencing. Know that you’re in good hands! X


Natalia C. – B.C. Canada


“My session with Kristine was amazing. I feel as though she looked past all my fear and clutter, and she started to talk directly to my soul. She then proceeded to touch on every single area of my life I’ve been thinking about using my own words. I actually got goosebumps a few times because of how ‘on the ball’ she was. Kristine is honest, sensitive and supportive through the session. I felt instantly at home with her, and I felt very comfortable opening up and asking her any questions.  Aside from being a  very capable intuitive, she is also a very gifted coach offering life education and life skills that are in line with your soul. This is not some woo-woo stuff; it is about living in this practical and materialistic world while following your dreams and the guidance of your soul. I will definitely book my follow up session with her.”

Natalia C. – B.C. Canada


SP Vic – Australia


Hi Kristine,
Such a heartfelt thank you to you for your reading yesterday. I’m so, soooo grateful for your gift and that your are able and willing to use it for the healing of others, and how blessed that I ‘stumbled’ upon you just at a time when I was searching for support and guidance in a form I knew would be rare, but not impossible.

Thank you with all my heart and soul.
I really look forward to listening to the recording again at least once more to let the key messages ‘stick’ to me a little more.
One thing that’s really stuck with me is that you picked up on and articulated the part of me that feels/has felt/sometimes feels so reluctant to be ‘earth-bound’; even with what’s so beautiful in a human experience, that part that feels so fatigued and weighted and challenged and even a little ‘moody’ about ‘being here’. Even with the wonderful and very high quality spiritual support I have in my life currently, it’s still something I’ve never been able to express (I don’t like to create any waves but even if I didn’t have such a resistance to that – how would one even describe that to another human being??!!) and hearing you pick up on and express it so clearly and effortlessly felt like a major relief that I’m not a lunatic, and also seen, which is usually all that any anxious part seems to need in order to release it’s grip, or begin to in a significant way. I feel the release of the anxiety around that part already, and will continue to work with it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Grateful, grateful, super grateful.

Many blessings to you!



A – Victoria Australia


It has been almost 4 weeks since my session with Kristine. What we spoke about is still uppermost in my heart and thoughts. I think about her advice every day and am making changes.

Kristine went straight to the core of what is happening for me. She hit the nail on the head immediately. She focused on so many areas that I have been struggling with and getting nowhere – and brought light and a practical approach to dealing with these areas.

Kristine’s advice is practical and ‘do-able’. I have greatly appreciated and am following through with her suggestions. I am finding it is greatly changing the way I am seeing and doing things at present. She spoke about complex issues in a very easy to understand way so that I ‘got” it.

Her wisdom comes so beautifully through her voice and her words. She said so much : so much wisdom spoken so simply. I have listened to the session over many times and still keep being inspired and getting pearls from her insights.

I have no hesitation in recommending Kristine to anyone who wants some practical and wise advice to help move their lives along.

A big heartfelt thank you Kristine – you are a gem.


Melissa P – South Australia


I must say I was a little skeptical with this whole process! Even on the day I thought “well yes I know that ” I have listened to my audio several times since my reading and I mean really listened as it was exactly what I needed to hear! I am now listening to my body and I am hoping I will get well again soon as Kristine said! I would recommend if you need guidance and direction in your life.
Thanks kristine I will be back again


Testimonial – Editor, Living Now Magazine


Elizabeth Jewell Stephens, Editor, LivingNow Magazine

Kristine is a remarkable person who taps into a deeper level than most, from my experience. She calls her readings ‘life path’ readings, and it is true that she seems to have the uncanny ability to talk to the soul and relay its messages, laced with her own wisdom. They are therefore so much more profound and useful. My experience with her was foreshadowed by a series of dreams I had a few days previously. After listening to Kristine, I realised that one by one she was saying the same things that the dreams had said to me. This served to not only underscore for me the need to heed the dream messages, but also that Kristine is the ‘real deal’, since I believe – and much past experience has proven it to my satisfaction – that my soul communicates with me via the dream state too.

Elizabeth Jewell Stephens, Editor, Living Now Magazine


JParsons – Central Indonesia


Kristine is an exceptionally intuitive, gifted person with a unique ability to connect with the her clients’ true soul frequency. Through this connection, she is able to offer genuine and profound insights that resonate deeply as the unmistakable truth. Connecting with one’s own truth, as Kristine allows offers liberation, relief and reassurance that helps us shift, ease, accept and move beyond any persistent patterns that promote negativity or disconnectedness. It is a true gift that Kristine shares with the world. I have recommended many friends to connect with Kristine and they have since become return clients themselves. They always write back thanking me for connecting them with Kristine and relaying with enthusiasm how much they gained from their sessions with her. I have personally seen Kristine every couple of months since my first session and I find it is always a unique blessing. Kristine helps keep my ship steered on the truest course.


CB – Australia:VIC


Kristine was amazing and felt like she understood me immediately. She even used words and phrases that I had been feeling or thinking when I was trying to work out everything myself and so felt she really got to the core of what I am struggling with and helping me find my path through the noise. I plan to chat to Kristine every couple of months to help me through the next 12 months or so to stay on the path that feels true to me.




I really loved my session with Kristine. I was blown away by how accurate all her comments were in relation to my current situation. She was able to straight away pinpoint areas that I have been struggling with for some time and in a way that completely resonated with me. She provided me with clarity and insight and put many things into perspective. She was professional throughout the session, compassionate and understanding as well as to the point which I really liked. I would definitely recommend a session with Kristine and am sure I will be seeking her insight and wisdom again in the future.


Giles – Los Angeles – California USA


Thank you so much for our session yesterday. Aside from being more open, connected and and generally lighter, I’ve found myself referencing our session.

I get an e-mail like the one below daily. General positive reminders. I found today’s message particularly timely and relevant.

With warm regards and tremendous gratitude,


What we lack are not scientists but poets and people to reveal to the heart what the heart is ready to receive.
–Joseph Campbell


Tania Gold Coast QLD Australia


I have had numerous sessions with Kristine over a period of ten years. I reach out to Kristine at times when life is becoming stressful and I am emotionally not able to cope. I have found that when I sit through a session my mind and body becomes calmer and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can only explain it like a penny drops. It happens on a level that is hard for me to put words to – but I just get it. The last session I had with Kristine I was close to losing my life as I had endure extreme stress with losing a friend of 30yrs in traumatic circumstances and a new relationship ending all in the matter of a couple of days. I was already completely exhausted and worn down physically with adrenal exhaustion. I was depressed and overwhelmed by my circumstances. This really was my lowest point. Kristine spent a long time with me making sure I understood what she was saying. It was hard as I really was not in a good space and didn’t want to hear what she was saying. I felt angry at life and everyone Kristine included. She managed to do her magic once again and after the session I felt different as I have often experience after a session with her. So much so that I decided to go onto utube and watch laughing babies for an hour or more. Then I made an effort to watch more positive thinking and comedy utube clips for the rest of the night. Finally after a 4 month period I was starting to see the lightness in life and others again. I can happily report that I am now improving in my health and my emotions are much healthier as I have found acceptance and peace from all that has happened. I listen to Kristines session 3 times afterwards and every time it helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself. Kristine has become a part of my life over the years – she is my life coach and confidant. Her guidance is always just what I need to hear at the time. I have recommended many friends to her and will continue to do so. She is direct and clear in her communication. She also has a caring approach and is compassionate to my situations every time I have reached out to her. Thankyou once again for being in my life Kristine. Many sweet blessing to you.

Tania Gold Coast QLD Australia


RA – Victoria Australia


I approached Kristine after experiencing approximately fifteen years of systematic health dysfunction. The catalyst for my call was the diagnosis of a second, debilitating autoimmune condition that left me unable to work, study or socialise. I had never consulted with a psychic before, and despite feeling somewhat sceptical, I felt increasingly desperate having experienced chronic health conditions with little relief from GPs, endocrinologists, naturopaths, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals. Within fifteen minutes of talking to Kristine, she was able to provide very specific feedback about the genesis of my ongoing health issues as well as suggestions for treatment. Although it is quite dramatic to say this, Kristine’s feedback and guidance has completely changed the course of my life and my own philosophy of healing. I’ve had a number of follow up sessions with Kristine as she has been able to provide invaluable support as I navigate my through this particularly challenging time in my life. I am so grateful that I was able to suspend my scepticism last year and reach out for a reading as it has altered the direction of my life and my own healing journey. Thank you, Kristine x


Lisa – United Kingdom


I’ve seen quite a few psychics for guidance at certain points in my life over the years but Kristine is by a mile one of the best. I just adore her practical, honest, spot on guidance. Anyone who may be reading this because you’re unsure whether or not to make a booking with Kristine I would say GO FOR IT. Kristine has helped me through two small crisis points in my life (I can tend to over-think things and get a little loopy in the process) and I’m so happy to have found her. Thank you, Kristine 🙂


Testimonial – MK – Australia


Hi Kristine,

I would like to say a big thank you! I’m so glad that I came to you for a session.  Before I spoke to you, I felt like I was on auto-pilot and nothing gave me any joy, particularly after losing my job. My self-esteem was quite low and not confident to face the world.

But since my reading, I feel a lot more lighter and less stressed about life.  I’m still unemployed but I’ve gained more self-confidence and feel stronger to handle any future challenges life may throw at me.

Thanks again Kristine!



D. Arron – USA


Having seen and spoken to various spiritual guides around the world over the last twenty years, Kristine is one of the only ones that I continue to consult with. For two reasons: her view into me and what’s happening with me has always resonated well. What she says makes sense. Moreover, it’s useful. As well her articulation, and her view of the world, is uplifting and empowering. I can take what she says, apply it to myself and feel that it’s all contributing to me better serving myself, family, community and the world. I highly recommend her.


Rachel – Australia – Victoria


Kristine is the first Spiritual Guide and Teacher I’ve ever consulted and I did so cautiously as I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Kristine exuded a warm, nurturing presence which reassured me I was in safe hands. She offered me clarity and understanding around where I was at, at a time when I was quite overwhelmed. It was very helpful to receive practical advice on how to make the necessary changes to grow and create a better life for myself. Thanks!


WK – Australia – NSW


The feeling I had after my session with Kristine was one of peace. I felt heard, even though I had said almost nothing. The clarity that Kristine expressed gave me a chance to bathe in the moment and look towards the next phase of my life, to know the pace was going to be set by me.

Thank you Kristine, I know I will be exploring and then coming back for support and guidance. – WK – Australia – NSW


Nadia – Australia:VIC


Kristine your reading clarified for me that I need to give myself permission to just relax, re-cooperate, slow down and spend some time just being and also spending time in nature. I really needed to hear these words, as I need to stop pushing myself and lighten up and not be so serious. We live in a world where we feel like we need to do, do, do, so its easy to get caught up in that cycle and not hear or listen to our inner voice. Much appreciated and thank you Kristine.


TB Perth WA


I utilise various modalities to continually assess my level of effectiveness. Kristine is one such source. ‘Clarity and Insight’ this is what she provides. I have a least one reading each year. Kristine builds rapport quickly, asked clever questions to draw more out and put things ‘on the table’ in a way that you are more willing to look at and process. Kristine also appropriately shares her personal stories during the session. This I believe adds value to the stages of Awareness and Acceptance. Kristine is the real deal, is clear, straight and respectful with what she offers up.


CC – Wellington, NZ


” Thank you sooo much for the session today. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and am really excited about what the rest of my life is going to bring now. You have such a warm and reassuring manner – I felt supported and open to everything you said. I love that you didn’t sugar coat things and you picked up the personality traits I have that are holding me back and then gave me practical solutions for breaking the patterns. I’m sure there will be other times in my life when I need a little guidance and a bit of a push and so it is sooo lovely to have found you and to know I can just have a session with you to help me through. I would definitely recommend you to friends. All the best “


NM NSW Australia


Kristine’s session was very precise and insightful. She was very easy going and supportive during our session. The information provided was very clear and specific. She is very gifted and I would not hesitate to recommend her highly.


SC – Maldives


Hi Kristine,

I just wanted to send you a quick email and say thank you so much for your kind words and the session today. I feel so much calmer now and you managed to articulate everything I was feeling and then provide some wonderful and very helpful advice. I am very grateful for the reminder to let go, surrender, have faith and have fun with the process!

You have a wonderful gift and I am so glad that I’ve been able to share in it and benefit from your lovely way. I always think it’s great to check in and get some feedback, and even nicer when it’s provided by such a warm and loving person!

Sally xo


LJ NSW Australia


I had a session with Kristine earlier today and in one conversation she was able to completely change my perspective on some things that were dragging me down. I was feeling like I was in an emotional rut and Kristine was able to gently and lovingly show me a completely different way at looking at things. Kristine has a gift at getting to the heart of the matter. I’m still feeling a little emotionally raw after my session today but i’m definitely feel better and clearer about the next step in my life. Kristine has taught me to not be so hard on myself, and instead take a kinder, gentler approach. It’s exactly what i needed to hear. Kristine is a wise, supportive and loving soul and I’d highly recommend her.


Suzanne – United States – New York


Love my sessions with Kristine and highly recommend her to anyone interested in looking inside and becoming more conscious. Kristine warmly shares her gift, she is kind, insightful and completely tuned in. It’s kind of a therapy session with guidance, confirmation, support and assistance. I’m happy I found her!


MF – Australia – Brisbane


My session with Kristine has already deeply changed my life. Kristine is a healer, wise woman and intuitive. I feel extremely blessed to have found her and benefited from her guidance. The session was full of insight and practical suggestions for making change and preparing for the future. She cut straight to the heart of who I am and I feel that simply the act of speaking with her unlocked something in me. I walked away with both knowledge and the belief in my capacity to shift some of my patterns of behaviour. I feel confident and ready to face the future with an open heart and her wise words to guide me. I will be recommending her to all of my friends and family. – MF – Australia – Brisbane


CS, Victoria, Australia


Instantly some key issues were brought up that were playing on my mind. Some language that I had been using to describe someone was repeated back to me in the session which was quite surprising and enabled me to feel more confident with the information that was being relayed – that and the session was very accurate in pin pointing some feelings and behaviours that I have had over the last months. I look forward to having Kristine becoming a regular consulting and guidance person to assist in getting clarification with issues that life throws up or helping get rid of the roadblocks that I put in my own way. Thanks Kristine. CS, Victoria, Australia


Lauren – Australia – Victoria


As a health professional with a background in Science, I approached my reading (as I do all things) with some skepticism. However, Kristine provided some wonderful words of support and guidance in a way that was specific to me beyond anything I thought possible. She is the real deal, there I said it! I’ve been happy to be able to integrate my session with Kristine into my everyday and I will most certainly be in touch with her again.




” My sessions with Kristine have been helpful and supportive. I’ve listened to the recordings many times and feel again and again how affirming they are to my already unfolding path. Kristine is very “Now” focused and I appreciate that. She is very kind and loving. “


Virginia D – Queensland Australia


Initially I was a bit sceptical about whether or not Kristine really had tapped into my soul, but very shortly into the call what she was saying touched a deep unexpected emotional well within me, everything she said made sense and the realisations I had about what was really keeping me stuck were profound. by the end of the call I felt lighter, although drained, and the physical effects of my shift were noticeable throughout the day. I woke up the next day feeling more free and energised than a have in a long time, and with a clarity and a freedom around being true to myself and what what I want to create that I have not felt before. I will definitely be coming back – thank you, from the bottom my heart Kristine.


AW – Australia:NSW


My reading with Kristine brought clarity to the main issues in my life at present. She gives this insight like an old friend would give. I can recommend having a session if you need guidance delivered in a practical and kind way.


YC Tas Australia


I have spent the past year or so feeling like I’ve been walking around under a black cloud. Kristine helped me to see clearly everything that was going on in my life. The reading was spot-on and Kristine was just lovely to talk to – very warm and compassionate. I finished our call feeling lighter and infinitely calmer. I will definitely call on her again in the future.


MaC – United Kingdom


I feel truly grateful for having been so fortunate to meet Kristine.
Her warm and beautiful smile, together with her friendly, honest and supportive nature all put me at ease from the very first session.

Since the first time more than a year ago, Kristine has been for me a beacon of light in my life and what had become a very dark place full of fear and sadness, with no hope left for the future.
Her gift in connecting with my past wounds and current struggles, but also my strengths, has helped me gain back some power in my life. With her encouragement, Kristine has helped me find a sense of direction and purpose to enable me continue my journey with trust and acceptance.

I am truly blessed to have you in my life Kristine.
Much love always.


HannahM. – NSW Australia


I was unsure of what to expect in my first session with Kristine. Overall I was hoping for some direction and some clarification about my life and the decisions I was being faced with. Kristine was incredibly articulate in communicating some of the core reasons that were impacting on some of my concerns. She identified the underlying patterns that were contributing to some of my behaviors – they were specific to me and resonated completely. Kristine was able to tap into issues that I have not really even had the space to think about myself. The reading is done in safe and supportive manner and Kristine not only talked about the “what” but also the “how”. So often people can identify problems and concerns but have no idea about how to start addressing them. Kristine gave me practical advice on how to confront some of my fears and worries. I would certainly talk to Kristine again and have no hesitation in recommending her for anyone who is feeling like they need some direction or are looking for insight into their lives.

Thanks again Kristine.



What a great session! Kristine was warm and kind and seemed to have a genuine interest in my journey and the path I was taking. She was also very accurate about a number of things and has a good deal of insight! I would definitely recommend having a session with her to others!


Tina W – Arizona

Kristine is a gifted Spiritual Guide that guides you to the truth within your own self.

Her intutive ability to tap into your energy and assist you towards awareness of a more authentic space within your life experiences is a true blessing.  The guidance provided has helped me to understand and validate where I am on my journey and to flow more into “being” with all experiences and feelings without labeling them good or bad.

Her genuine and caring spirit overflows into her work as she deeply cares about your path to healing and wholeness.  I feel blessed to have her assistance during such a transformative (and challenging) time in my life.


Rose D, Byron Bay


After years of feeling hollow, sad and sometimes depressed I felt the need for some guidance so I asked for someone to come to me. I was referred to see Kristine by a friend who told me how great she was in her field as an Intuitive Healer. I immediately felt safe and comfortable with Kristine as she began to share with me how the session would go. I was scared a little at what would come up but also excited to hear what she had to say. I was overwhelmed at how much she knew about me without me telling her anything.  Kristine was so spot on with how my  life up till now has been and gave me really good tools to use to go out in the world and make my life a happier place to exist in. Since seeing Kristine I feel so much calmer and happier within myself and able to take on lifes hurdles so much easier than I had done so before.


Ellie – Australia Tasmania


I have spoken to Kristine twice now, and both times I found her insight, support and honesty deeply healing, helpful, encouraging and on-point. Her intuitive skills, coupled with her amazing counselling skills, and ability to help you to feel validated, supported and truly held, make for a very useful and extraordinary form of therapy and enquiry. I cannot recommend her highly enough! I know I will be talking to her again whenever needed.


Carla – Australia Victoria


Thank you Kristine!
Your insights have been an incredible support to me over the years.
I see our sessions as an important part of aligning with my higher self which allows a continued greater understanding of my path this lifetime.
Your ability to connect and convey such personal insights is done with integrity, compassion and clarity.
You are a master in your field and I highly recommend anyone looking for deeper insights to a current situation, a pending decision or their overall life path to book a session with Kristine.


SC – Australia:NSW


I felt that Kristine was right next to me when she did my session: she literally was spot on! She saw every single detail that I already knew and described with an absolute precision the whole situation where I was standing for. It is not my usual thing to ask for help and certainly not to solicit a Spiritual Guide but my gut feeling push me to do it and I don’t regret a second: She is incredible and I feel grateful to have Kristine in my path during my challenging journey .


John Hale – Teacher of Sacred Sexuality – Byron Bay


Kristine is a gift. I have never met a more talented, available and caring intuitive practitioner. Kristine came to me highly recommended and I have no hesitation in reaffirming the same. She is a world leader in light work and healing.


BC – ACT Australia


” I enjoyed my session with Kristine. I was able to cement thoughts and goals from feedback from our session. I am looking forward to returning to the recording to gleam more insights as I move forward. Thank you, Kristine “


R. Bianchi, Greece


This comes to me as a description and my experience of your gentile guidance.


“We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started 
and know the place for the first time.
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything.)”


                                                      T. S. Eliot


MDS Sydney Australia


Thank you for a fantastic session. I loved that you were honest, while helping me see the positive of a difficult situation. You answered my questions. You’re an excellent Guide and I will be recommending you.


J Ryan – Sydney


I just want to thank Kristine again for an amazing session!!… Kristine was so accurate and touched me so deeply and hit me exactly where it need to… I would like to have another reading again one day.

Warmest wishes, J 🙂


J Brown – Sydney


Kristine came highly recommended so it was no suprise that she delivered with a such a professional and warm approach.

What was a welcome suprise was the depth of her perception and ability to impart information from a very high level of consciousness.

Kristine’s reading has had an incredibly profound impact on how i percieve my life choices and in fact has had a direct and positive influence on how much i m now opening to the changes afoot.

I’d highly recommend her for her guidance and her directness – she truly is in flow with the path of your soul. Put your seatbelt on cos your in for the ride of your life!


Candace – Australia:QLD


This was the most insightful session I have ever had. Not only do I now have practical and emotional steps I can take but I understand on a soul level why it has all occured. It’s the first time I have felt supported and heard and the wisdom that came through was the truth. This perspective has changed how I see everything now. Thank you so much Kristine!x


Rita F – Australia:VIC


A session that delivered what was advertised and more.

Thank you Kristine for making me see that I need to be “real” in body and mind. Since the session, I became more focused, connected and balanced. I am lighter and no longer have the overwhelming feeling that possessed me for the last 15 years.

You reminded me of my personal power and using it to conquer the battles at hand at present. I now know with this power, I will come the “little girl” within me, nurture it and make her the person she got left behind.

I’m a different person now and whilst it appears to be strange as it is outside my “comfort” zone, it feels good and powerful.

Thank you.



GS NSW, Australia


I found Kristine to be very caring and compassionate in my session, especially when the need arose for her to advise me about a rather painful issue. I felt both nurtured and understood throughout the entire session. Thank you Kristine. GS NSW, Australia




Your sessions provided me with lots of clarity about myself and what I need to do to move forward. Thank you so much.


L. – Switzerland


I`ve had a deep experience with Kristine. Firstly I felt seen and understood unconditionally and with compassion.
And secondly what she said represented the perfect information I really needed to hear right now.
I can highly recommend her sessions.


M McAuley


Kristine is the most inspiring person I have ever had a reading from.  As sometimes happens, my ‘state of flux’ on some issues got sorted once I had asked for help. So that’s all cool, but just love what she has to say anyway!


DE (location Anonymous)


Kristine is thoroughly insightful. She offers & discusses real world solutions & actions. She is excellent to getting to the heart of your problem & providing relevant insights to help & allow you to move forward. DE


CT – Victoria, Australia


Thank you so much for my session Kristine. Finally I have been able to connect with and understand when someone tells me to stop being so hard on myself but instead accept who I am and nurture my way of living. I don’t feel afraid to live life anymore. You have taught me to trust and love who I am and now I am so excited to deal with life and with what is thrown my way. I can’t thank you enough. I feel like I can finally breath. xo

Cath – Randwick NSW


Kristine has a very gentle way of broaching some challenging areas… very nurturing… was like having a chat with a friend, although we’d never conversed until today.

She reaffirmed that I am on the right life path and overall was really very positive. I am considering making the changes we discussed as I believe very deeply that she is absolutely spot on! I will recommend her to all my friends and loved ones… a special soul. Cath – Randwick NSW




” I’ve had many sessions with Kristine and what I really love about our sessions is that she always hooks into the core issue that I am wrestling with right away. The one thing that I am struggling with and won’t admit to myself or dare say aloud is brought to the surface at the beginning of the conversation. It feels somewhat like ripping off that dreaded old band-aid. It feels really good to have someone help me bring these things up so I can walk through the issue with her and work on understanding myself and my issue more deeply. I finish our conversations empowered with a better understanding about how to move forward for myself. This knowledge for me has been invaluable. “


LF Gold Coast


I found Kristine’s session amazing and accurate at the time of our meeting.

I felt that she gave me deeper insight to the journey I am on and where and what to do by trusting my intuition.

I would highly recommend Kristine for anyone who wants clarity and understanding or feeling challenged with uncertainty.


Annie S, Armidale NSW


My session with Kristine was invaluable! It felt as though she got right inside me. Kristine identified and brought me to a much deeper understanding and clarity around my current issues, fears and doubts. She then gave me clear guidance as to how i can move through this into a place of much more possibility and opportunity. I greatly appreciated her grounded, practical and empathic approach and her depth of wisdom. I will be back for more! I am so very grateful to you Kristine, that reading was truly life changing.
Annie S, Armidale NSW


SC – Australia:NSW


My session with Kristine .......I must say that she again blows me away! Her intuitive clairvoyance is quite unique, extremely accurate, and honest to goodness. I really like the way she deliver the whole story to me, she is engaging and passionate and is full of good advices. I highly recommend Kristine without reservation.


MdeSouza – Australia:NSW


Honest and inspiring Guide who gives me courage to do what I know I need to do (but have been avoiding). Highly recommended.


KH – Victoria Australia


I feel my session with Kristine was very beneficial. It clarified some areas in my life that needed addressing, and also reaffirmed some thoughts I’d been having about new directions in my life. Kristine was very supportive, encouraging and non-judgemental. I would highly recommend a session with her. KH – Victoria Australia


ML Manly NSW


I was blown away by the accuracy of my session!! Amazing work! ML – Manly NSW


CKapur – Victoria


What I loved about the session with Kristine is that she translated what my soul was trying to convey to me and I had been avoiding or finding hard to understand fully. The conversation also was focused on the single most important thing I need to do for myself. And that clarity is exactly what I was after. You know in your heart that it feels right. It gives you the strength and courage to power on… and you know you’re in the right direction, which is a wonderful feeling.

Thanks Kristine.


S.K. Melbourne


I found Kristine through a recommendation, so feel even happier to write another. At the perfect time Kristine spoke with me in a very caring, friendly and relaxed way about where I was in my life – with great insight, compassion and care.

Kristine spoke in a very compassionate way, reminding me about what I needed to focus on at this moment to regain the balance and calmness I was seeking – her insight was extraordinary, she has a obvious intuitive soul connection.  Kristine was very clear in highlighting options available now to me, that have been right in front of me, but I needed to be reminded. The time we spent together was very positive and nourishing. It was an enriching conversation.


Des T – Sydney, Australia


Before my session with Kristine I did not know what to expect and was highly confused about my life and where I was heading. Once my reading with Kristine began I instantly was amazed and nicely surprised at how insightful she was and how much she knew when even though I had not even spoken to her! I would highly recommend Kristine to anyone who is wanting to connect to their soul and get a glimpse of what their destiny is. She is warm, understanding and answers any questions openly and honestly. I will definitely look forward to another session with her.


Mel Brazier – Australia:QLD


I have used Kristine a few times over the past five years and each time her insightfulness and detailed description of what is happening in my life at that particular time is astounding. Her past readings have resulted in very accurate events taking place and part of my latest reading is already starting to come to fruition. Kristine suggests the tools you need to use in order to move forward with clarity whilst also reiterating the importance of listening to your body’s messages and allowing yourself room to rejuvenate and reconnect during important life phase transitions. Kristine’s readings are a true confirmation of what is happening and what you are feeling and this instils you with a sense of certainty and faith that you are heading in the right direction. Kristine has a beautiful way of connecting and tuning in and delivers her insight in a way that is honest, compassionate and without judgement. I would highly recommend Kristine to anyone looking for guidance and/or understanding on their life journey. I know I will continue to come back during mine. Much love… x


KP – Sydney


I was initially a bit reluctant about having a session but now I am glad that I went ahead with my session. I really enjoyed my time with Kristine. Kristine helped me understand the state of my affairs in my life. She is very calm, composed and possesses a beautiful ability of deeply connecting with your thoughts. She is very honest with her advice. Kristine thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me understand myself. Stay blessed!

KP Sydney


DY – Darwin AUS


Wow what a session and a blessing to find Kristine! My reading was life changing and at the very least awakening. Kristine helped me realised unhealthy behaviours and patterns that I’d held onto from past experiences, which were inhibiting my present and future. She made me feel alive and inspired. Kristine was supportive, frank and warm. She explained things simply and went deeper than expected. Her reading gave the affirmation and strength I needed to move forward with conviction and joy. Thanks Kristine!


Coco Reynolds – Ireland


I first went to see Kristine about 8 years ago. I went to see her and she was a tremendous help to me and I listened to her recording of her session many time & it helped me through a difficult break up with the father of my child & move back to Ireland. I have since been to see her many times and I would highly recommend her to anybody thinking of having a session with her.​

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